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The Power of Words in Advertising

As a Digital Marketing Company, we know how important it is to have content that is enticing and creative. We believe that successful marketing is a process by which a product or service is introduced and promoted to potential customers. Often, people underestimate the power that words can have in marketing. As a society, we are constantly bombarded with words, catch phrases and advertising slogans that can influence our consumer choices. Marketing has never been more diverse, technology rich, or open to creativity than today. With a wealth of platforms to choose from, forward-thinking techniques, and audiences who are open to trying new things, marketers can think outside the box like never before.
We believe that successful marketing is a process by which a product or service is introduced and promoted to potential customers. Something as easy as changing one word in a sentence can have a huge impact on how well a product sells. When companies focus on sculpting their product language to appeal to their customers, they often find that their customers are much more receptive to buying the product. People like to believe in what they are buying. If they have an exact vision of what they’re going to get, they are more willing to trust in the product and commit to buying it.
Over the years of growing Bamboo Nine, we have a rich knowledge and understanding of the power words can have in advertising. So, we decided to write an article to share some of the ways you can make a powerful impact on your customers through word phrasing, choice and structure.


Repetition is a tool that doesn’t get utilized enough. It is perhaps obvious to point out but people tend to remember details if they are exposed to them over and over again. That’s why so many ‘Big Name’ companies have such popularly renowned slogans. Find a way to place repetitive phrases or descriptions into your writing that can be associated with your brand and you will create a positive association which will exceed the general reach of your marketing by finding its way to other parts of your customers’ lives.

Bold or Intriguing Titles

Have you ever noticed how effective intriguing titles are? We are enticed into reading the article because we want to learn more. When writing in marketing you must master the invaluable art of keeping your audience interested. However, in today’s technology age we can get most things instantly by the click of a button and, as a result, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep people interested. Make sure to keep your customers on their toes with elusive phrases that drag them in and cater to their natural curiosity. Humans are naturally curious so use this to your advantage.

Finding the Right Words

Finding the right words can be difficult. Have you ever known exactly what you want to say, but you just can’t figure out how to say it? I’ve certainly been there. Whether we are ready to admit it or not, we have all had those moments of complete writer’s block. Finding the right word can be a chore sometimes, but once you have found the right word it can change the entire flow and impact of a sentence. It is certainly worth the extra effort to get it right, because it may make the difference in the way your brand is received and acted upon. Using a thesaurus can certainly be helpful as it can aid you in discovering new words or phrases to improve your writing. It’s certainly worth a try.

Build Trust

As a marketer, it is your job to appeal to your customers’ and their often-impulsive nature. Who do you trust more: a friend or a stranger? The more well-known your company becomes; the more people will trust you. The more people trust you, the more likely they are to buy your products and services. The earlier you start marketing your business and building your customers trust, the longer your target audience will have known and trusted you for. Start early and build a relationship with your target market that forms an image of sturdiness, reliability, and honesty and people will respond by trusting your business to live up to its image. Here at Bamboo Nine we know the importance of trust and we work off an honesty policy whereby we are completely transparent with our clients, no hidden costs, no contracts or unreadable fine print. Just honesty, integrity and good results.

Identify Your Audience

The more you can learn about the people you’re marketing to, the better. Use polls and surveys to learn more about what your customers are looking for and use their data to better target your marketing campaigns. Write personably, appealing to an individual. Using personal pronouns such as; You to appeal directly to the reader. Make sure to do your research, you can’t simply write articles and expect that they will just naturally appeal to your target audience. You must know your audience first. Dig deep into the data you generate from your online marketing campaigns and spot trends and details that you can use to hone in on the type of people that matter the most to your business.

Verbal Branding

The identity of a brand is in many ways the cornerstone of any marketing campaign. Without a strong brand as a foundation, it is unlikely any strategy, great or small, will succeed in driving strong results and engaging target demographics with its campaign. At the heart of this brand identity is language. Words. The very fibre of an image that speaks to audiences, investors and stakeholders on a local and global level, language can often make or break a brand identity.

Verbal branding is just as important as visual communication. With such a global industry as marketing, the importance of speaking the language of another has never been greater. To communicate effectively with overseas markets and audiences, verbal identity often must be culturally aware, nuanced in its messaging while vibrant enough to stand out from local brand alternatives.

Emotion: Can You Feel It?

People make buying decisions all the time with emotion and then justify it later with logic. This is a concept that most, if not all, marketers understand but few execute it well. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand this concept, but it’s application can set the good marketers apart from the great. By learning to differentiate the emotional motivational value of words, you can dramatically increase your response and conversion, improving your bottom line.

Never underestimate the power of emotions. If someone can make you smile or shed a tear, you know they have managed to create an emotional bond. Emotions are a great asset to tap into because all humans love to relate. The easiest and often most effective way to engage your audience is to question them. Ask them about their experiences with your company, your products and your service. As a marketing professional in today’s uber-competitive online space, you understand the importance and value of engaging your audience.

Evoke Questions

Does your message evoke questions? Do people ask How? Within your writing strategy, you want to create an implicit question that naturally follows your statement. The idea is that when you give that answer, the consistent and reliable response is always, “How?” which advances the conversation. That’s what you need to do with your message – make sure that every time someone in your target audience reads or hears your primary marketing message, it will advance the conversation that you’ve implicitly lead them to because it evoked attention and they’re hooked. Your website copy can do this very effectively, evoking questions with the primary message and answering how with the copy. But here’s the caveat – making too grand of a claim with superlatives can push the envelope of believability because once you cross that line, the drop-off is instantaneous and merciless.

 Final Words 

Savvy business owners, copywriters, and designers know how language influences emotions and persuades action. Certain words and phrases are time-tested to boost response and conversion rates almost across the board. Of course, different motivating words and phrases work better in different situations, and it’s up to you to figure out which work best for your business. It isn’t all that difficult to figure out, though: if your intuition doesn’t tell you, your customers will.

Successful marketing involves significant groundwork in terms of clearly studying your target market. The brand and messaging you’ll need to reach different groups will vary, and to ensure a successful advertising campaign you need to ensure you effectively communicate to these groups. Raising awareness plants your business’s brand, its product, and its benefits in the mind of your target audience. By raising awareness through marketing, you’ll build a huge audience of potential customers who know who you are, know what you can offer, and know exactly where to find you.

In the end, choosing the right word or phrase for your copy shouldn’t overshadow the very thing you’re trying to promote. Keep the tone easy-to-read, but also feel free to bring the reader along on a journey to help get your point across. You never know where it might take you!